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Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Cheese Factory in Netherlands

Holland's Cheese
Interesting story about those cheese, some of them had been stored for 3 years or more. Also the texture are very strong like stone.
Picture taken on: Mid-February 2020.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Field of Psychology

General Psychology
Clinical Psychology
Counseling Department
Developmental Psychology
Functional Psychology
Social Psychology
Personality Psychology
Family & Marriage Psychology (Parenting)
Educational Psychology
Cognitive Psychology
Positive Psychology
Psychoanalysis (Diagnostic)
Career Psychology
Communication Psychology
Organizational Psychology
Cross-Cultural Psychology
Art Psychology
Abnormal Psychology
Experimental Psychology
Ethical Code of Psychology
Forensic Psychology
Religion & Psychology
Aerospace & Aviation Psychology
Psychological First Aid

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Curious about astronomy

NASA (United States)
JAXA (Japan)

Recommended Application on Smartphone about Outer Space:
Solar System Scope
NASA Be A Martian
ISS Live Now
Asteroid Alert
Space Museum
Satellite Tracker

Space agencies such as JAXA & NASA has offered public to submit their name to be sent to space. There were successful launch such as Akatsuki, Curiosity, InSight, Perseverance, etc who carries people's name, messages & autograph.
Recently NASA make "Send My Name to Mars" program.
You can search on respective websites for more further info.
Try it yourself!

PS: I'm not endorsed by anyone.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Things to do during social distancing

If you love to learn a formal knowledge & get the certificates & diplomas.
You may visit & attend online lesson at:
Alison (Ireland) -
Coursera (USA) -
You are able to study for free, however you must purchase the completion certificates.
Few certificates are offered for free of charge in both Coursera & Alison, you can put in in your LinkedIn resume.

If you are love to learn foreign language (in proper way)

Any Language: Duolingo
For Smartphone Application: Oxford, JA Sensei, uTalk, Jsho.
You can purchase Minna no Nihongo I (Textbook with CD-ROM & Terjemahan), there are 2 similar books with different contents, one is the Japanese writings (red strip) & another one is the translation into Indonesian (green strip) [usually sold in one package together, be careful when purchasing, also ask the seller before purchasing online to avoid mistakes], you can buy at online shop with reasonable price.

Fun Quizzes & Create Your own quiz. Application name: Kahoot!

Online Shop with better service for Southeast Asia: Shopee, Tokopedia. There are many promo offered.

Curious about your health condition:
Free consultation with physician, doctor & specialist (charged). (only in Indonesia)
Application: Halodoc, KlikDokter, SehatQ, SehatPedia, HIMPSI (government funded, also offer free consultation due to pandemic).

Geology, Climate & Meteorology information:
Smartphone Application: Info BMKG (website:

GPS Logger (Track your Journey & Location History Progress) Smartphone Application
Geo Tracker

Emergency Alarm Smartphone Application (Manual Use)

Virtual Tour around the World (Live Camera for 24 hours)

Disclaimer: I'm not endorsed by anyone, these are just my opinion.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Heart Failure

What is Heart Failure?
Heart failure is a clinical condition linked to the inability of the heart effectively pump the blood flow, resulting in reduced supply of oxygen to various organs.

Heart Failure & Daily Life
The symptoms of heart failure affect a person's ability to carry out daily activities & can seriously compromise physical activity.

The New York Heart Association identifies 4 functional categories corresponding to various degrees of severity of heart failure in relation to the ability to perform physical activities.
1. Category NYHA I - No Limitations on Physical Activity.
Physical activities such as physical exercise, walking or carrying heavy bags do not cause fatigue, shortness of breath or palpitations.
2. Category NYHA II - Mild Limitations on Physical Activity.
Fatigue, shortness of breath & palpitations during more demanding physical activity.
3. Category NYHA III - Pronounced Limitations on Physical Activity.
Fatigue, shortness of breath & palpitations during less demanding physical activities such as cleaning floors, washing clothes, wiping furniture or hanging out clothes.
4. Category NYHA IV - Inability to Perform Any Physical Activity.
Fatigue, shortness of breath & palpitations when getting washed or even when resting.

Heart Failure & AIR TRAVEL
Air travel in particular may exacerbate heart failure due to factors relating to:
1. Reduction of air pressure at high altitudes & therefore the partial pressure of oxygen in the blood.
2. Reduced air humidity inside the plane with the consequent risk of dehydration.
3. The presence of any other diseases (respiratory or lung diseases or anemia or any other chronic diseases) which lead to oxygen deficiency.
4. Psychological & physical stress associated with traveling (queues at check-in counter & security checks, carrying heavy or big luggage, fear & anxiety about flying).
Nevertheless, air travel is not totally contraindicated for patients with heart failure, but it is important that they follow some advice.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Tips for Tourist Traveling to West Europe

Tips for tourist traveling to West Europe.
Honest review.

1. West Europe is pretty safe, compare to East Europe.
2. Don't go alone in night time, as many pickpocket & snatcher hang around may attack you.
3. In hotel below 4 star ratings, they didn't provide complimentary drinking water, cooking equipment such as kettle & hairdryer. (France still better, as they still provide)
4. Try to send postcard or mail letter covered in envelope from Switzerland, France, San Marino & Vatican City. Remember to purchase International Mail Post Stamp! (They are really fast)
5. Always carry your passport, cards & banknotes every time. Don't leave it unattended, even for a seconds, also don't leave them in your hotel room, ALWAYS CARRY THEM ANYTIME, ANYWHERE!
6. Carry electrical socket for charging your mobile phone or camera. If you come from Japan or USA, you must carry adapter. The voltage standard for West Europe is 220 - 240 V, depends on countries. Check them in internet.
7. Restaurant always ask for tip (outside the final bill charge) around €1-2 (depends, may be more).
8. Don't drink tap water, except in few cities in Switzerland. (Monitor latest information from your tour guide)
9. Public restroom or toilet is charged or you need to pay to enter or use them. Except few are free to use in highway rest area or restaurant (however you should ask first or purchase something from there). Provide enough coins.
10. Switzerland don't use € (Euro) currency, it use CHF (Swiss Franc).
11. Don't take photograph of military officials who guard the public areas, as they may interfere you.
12. Pay the restaurant bill directly to the cashier, don't leave them unattended like you may practice in USA, someone may take it & the restaurant will assume you haven't pay.
13. Some restaurant's seats is not allowed to be occupied, even you had purchase a light food from them. They demand you must purchase a portion of meal to take occupy the seat. (mostly in Italy)
14. Tax refund is amazingly difficult to claim for, seek advice from your tour guide or travel agent.
15. You may be teased by some gathering of youth strangers on the street or on the fast food chain entrance.
16. Winter season could be challenging, beware of slippery roads. Don't step or walk on thin & transparent ice. Summer season is also challenging, in southern most areas.
17. Most toilets don't have water spray. However, in newer buildings or renovated toilet, they have washing closet.
18. European Union members countries are sharing borders. So there are no immigration checkpoints in any of 26 EU states, except Switzerland. (See latest status on official website of EU)
19. Take a free copy of local city map or guide at the exit of airport. As it could be useful for you.
20. Buying an insurance is important, as health care provider in West Europe are amazingly expensive. Seek advice from your travel consultant.
21. Some street vendor are selling souvenirs for cheap prices. You must really take a precaution of them because street vendor are illegal. Also few street vendor often to force you to purchase their items if you touch or take picture of it. If you purchase from them (then the police saw), then you may be fined. However, like Paris & Amsterdam, you may consider to buy or not. 
22. West Europe is food tester haven.
23. If you have family or relatives in West Europe, better stay with them.

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Akibat Stress

Stress Impact:

Sistem Syaraf (Neuro System)
  • Depresi (Depression)
  • Sakit kepala (Headache)
  • Insomnia (Difficulty Sleep)
  • Mudah kesal (Easily Irritated)
  • Khawatir berlebihan (Excessive Anxiety)
Sistem Peredaran Darah & Jantung (Blood Circulation & Cardiovascular System)
  • Tekanan darah tinggi (High Blood Pressure)
  • Serangan jantung (Heart attack)
  • Stroke
Sistem Pencernaan (Digestive & Gastric System)
  • Mual (Nausea)
  • Muntah (Vomit)
  • Diare
  • Sembelit (Constipation)
Sistem Endokrin (Endocrin System)
  • Diabetes
  • Kekebalan tubuh menurun sehingga mudah sakit (Body immune system weakened so easily getting sick)
  • Berat badan naik (Increasing body weight)
Sistem Otot (Muscular System)
  • Nyeri tubuh (Pain in body)
  • Keram (Sore)
Sistem Pernapasan (Respiratory System)
  • Sulit bernapas (Difficulty breathing)
Sistem Reproduksi (Reproduction System)
  • Impotensi (Impotence)
  • Siklus haid terganggu (Menstruation cycle disturbed)
Source: Many sources plus own analysis.

What Should We Do In Current Situation

1. At best, stay at home.
2. Avoid crowded places.
3. Consume enough vitamins.
4. Stock up & provide enough food & drinking water stock for at least 1 month. (Also medicine)
5. Monitor current situation on news (trusted one, not the hoax) & official health ministry or government website.
6. Check your temperature frequently (twice a day).
7. Expect unlikely event (we didn't hope for that, however we must prepare for the worst that may happen).
8. Pray according to your belief (Calm & relax).
9. Keep your stamina, don't easily get tired.
10. Reduce your anxiety (Don't trust gossip or hoax).
11. Limit & reduce traveling to other cities or overseas (even required so for work or study).
12. Washing hand regularly with soap. Bring with you hand sanitizer everywhere.
13. Remember, my doctor said the risk level is low for young people, so don't need to overreact. But keep vigilant & take caution as the virus may transmitted without symptom to vulnerable person.
14. When go outside home, please wear face mask.
15. Work, study & attend religious meetings by online. Unless you really need to go out for urgent work which affecting your financial situation or need to buy groceries.
16. Practice Physical & Social Distancing.
The mathematical estimation graphs of COVID-19 (which I watched in Youtube) spread has been grown to it's peak until the daily fatalities reached more than daily influenza fatalities. At this time, many people are stressful & afraid. The only solution is to stay at home, avoid meet others. If you really need to go out, please take very careful movement & immediately return to home.
More advice:
For individual who suffer an anxiety disorders, you may be able to contact your personal clinician. Some countries already offer free anonymous online consultation, please consider to use the privilege to calm & relax yourself.

Emergency Preparedness:
Provide with you bunch of emergency supplies such as drinking water that enough for 4 days and more, non-perishable food for 3 days, clothings such as inner & outer clothings, toiletries such as soap, shampoo, tootbrush, toothpaste, etc, hygienic products, utensils, face mask, tissue or wipe, hand sanitizer, emergency lamp, whistle, medicine, medical kit for first aid, your mobile phone, power bank recharge with cable data, battery, compass, small knife or cutter, lighter, communicable devices, radio, banknotes currency, important documents, passport & identity cards, medical notes, emergency contact numbers, and another important food or things according to you & your needs.
Seek advice from your local community or government or health agencies websites for emergency preparedness.
You may put them in your backpack & bag.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Update EK356 - Moderate Turbulence above India

Buddha Amitofu protect & bless this flight 💝✈😊

My Health Statement (due to Coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak)

Maybe the readers of this blog & viewers of my Youtube Channel might think that I visited city or town that has been infected with the virus. In reality, we had avoided all the prohibited town. I arrived in West Europe through CDG Paris - France on 14 February 2020 with Emirates flight. I travelled to France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, San Marino & Italy. No travel warning issued at the area in that time we travelled to those cities. So it's considered as fully safe & free from infection. I had departed from FCO Rome - Italy today (25 Feb 2020) back to Jakarta with flight EK98 & EK356. I will be arriving in Jakarta in 7 hours from this posted writing.
For sure that I'm not infected, I will be pass through thermal screening at CGK Airport. I feeling well & healthy 100%. 
I will take a rest for 14 days at home for regular procedure. Then everything will be back to normal.
Thank You for understanding.
Safely arrived in Jakarta. I'm feeling well & healthy.
I had visited doctor, everything is okay without any problem.
Everything is well. 14 days had been passed I don't have any symptoms.
I took COVID-19 Antibody Rapid Test on late May 2020, then the result was NEGATIVE.
Pray together for the world, pray for everyone affected, especially for health care worker & physician who hardly fighting for the pandemic.

Connecting flight to Jakarta EK356

Buddha あみとふ protect & bless this flight 🙏😊✈💝

Update EK98

Above Saudi Arabia, near Qatar. ✈😊🙏

Update EK98 above Egypt

Update in-flight EK98 - Near Egypt

In-flight meal EK98

Live on air update EK98


Picture taken & uploaded from air

My flight EK98

Buddha Amitofu protect & bless this flight. Away from disaster, trouble & terror. ✈😊🙏

In-flight EK98

Using in-flight wi-fi

EK98 (Rome-Dubai)

Jehovah & Jesus Christ protect & bless our flight 😊🙏✈💝

Friday, February 14, 2020

Greetings from sky


EK71 15 Feb 2020

Image courtesy of flightradar24.
I unable to take picture of aircraft because the boarding lounge was covered with many non-transparant glasses.

Flight Summary

Nice safe flight, but my journey not complete yet.
I will take another 7 hours flight to Paris (CDG) France with EK71 with type of aircraft Airbus 380-800 this morning (15 Feb 2020 early morning) flew over in airspace of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Iraq, Turkey, Romania, Hungary, Austria, Germany & France.
Jehovah & Jesus Christ protect & bless my journey 🙏✈😊

My Flight EK357


My Flight to Dubai DXB (1st stopover) before Paris CDG

Tail Number: A6-EBO
Flight Number: EK357
Jehovah & Jesus Christ protect & bless my flight 🙏✈

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Overcome my Fear

It's been long time since I posted a writings in this blog.
In this close time, I will visiting West Europe (such as France, Germany, Italy, etc).
I had been traveled to many countries (Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, Australia) even live overseas for education purpose (Singapore 2008 & Geelong - Australia 2014-2015).
However, in these few newer years, I had been experienced frightening events.

Okay, I share them & told the stories:

I visited Bali from 12 July 2019 until 19 July 2019.
However on 16 July 2019, an earthquake occurred in 6.0 Magnitude. I was panic & horrified, that I ran from the 4 storey hotel to ground floor in just 30 seconds. Then I decided to went back to Jakarta on the next day, I reschedule the airline ticket (it cost me US$ 70 or IDR 1 million).

I visited Japan from 13 September 2019 until 23 September 2019.
When I went back to Jakarta with my flight, just 3 hours after my flight took off, a typhoon struck Tokyo. My friend who still decide to stay in Tokyo unable to go outside the hotel for few days, several flight postponed.
It had been warned few days earlier in local news television network in Japan & I was really anxious.

I planned to visit West Europe, transit through Dubai, UAE in these few days
This time I used organized tour services, which I purchased the tour package before 2 events occurred in civilian world.
They are Ukrainian commercial airplane shootdown in Iran (I noticed the news on 12 January) & Novel Coronavirus outbreak in People's Republic of China which spread to many nations.
I was really worried & anxious about my journey.
I always monitoring flightradar24 Android application about my ongoing flight path (because my flight will fly over Iraq & Turkey), also website & other local news website about the virus outbreak.

I really have flight phobias (despite I loved traveling), I have one acquaintances (who helped me to applied university in Australia in November 2014) who lost his brother in airplane accident (Surabaya-Singapore route) in December 2014, coincide that my old school friend in Malang - East Java also have friend in same school struck by the same disaster. I never met the victims, however (speechless).

I really want to enjoy the journey & vacation in West Europe.
Please pray for me so I always protected by God.
When I visited worship place in Wednesday 12 February 2020, they gave me Bible verses
Isaiah 46:10
God (Jehovah) make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. God say, 'My purpose will stand and I will do all that I please.'
So I don't need to afraid about them. I just surrender to Jehovah & trust Jesus Christ as my savior.
My journey will be safe (always). Thank You Jesus! ありがとうございましたイエス!

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Which Airlines I have been used

International Destinations: 
Garuda Indonesia (most frequent 1994-2019)

Singapore Airlines (few times in 1997-1999)

Emirates (once in 2014)

Qantas (few times in 2001)

Lufthansa (twice in 2004)

Lion Air (twice in 2010)
Silk Air (before 2000)

Domestic Destinations (Indonesia):
Garuda Indonesia
Sriwijaya Air
Lion Air
Air Asia
Batavia Air
Star Air

Credits: Images are downloaded from internet & belonging to their respective owner.
Data from January 2020.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Number in Chinese & Japanese with Greetings

English: Chinese (Mandarin) - Japanese (Nihongo)
One: Yi - Ichi
Two: Er - Ni
Three: San - San
Four: Shi - Yon
Five: Wu - Go
Six: Liu - Roku
Seven: Qi - Nana
Eight: Ba - Hachi
Nine: Qiu - Kyuu
Ten: Shi - Juu
Zero: Ling - Zero
Twenty: Er Shi - Ni Juu
Twenty Five: Er Shi Wu - Ni Juu Go

I/Me: Wo -Watashi
You: Ni/Nin - Anata
Good Morning: Zao An - Ohayou Gozaimasu
Good Afternoon: Wu An - Konnichiwa
Good Evening: Wan An - Konbanwa
Yes: Shi - Hai
No: Bu - Iie
How Much Is The Price?: Duo Shao Qian? - Ikura Desuka?
Help: Jiu Ming - Tasukete
Water: Shui - Mizu
Health: Jian Kang - Ken Kou

Thank You: Xie-Xie / Arigatou Gozaimasu