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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Heart Failure

What is Heart Failure?
Heart failure is a clinical condition linked to the inability of the heart effectively pump the blood flow, resulting in reduced supply of oxygen to various organs.

Heart Failure & Daily Life
The symptoms of heart failure affect a person's ability to carry out daily activities & can seriously compromise physical activity.

The New York Heart Association identifies 4 functional categories corresponding to various degrees of severity of heart failure in relation to the ability to perform physical activities.
1. Category NYHA I - No Limitations on Physical Activity.
Physical activities such as physical exercise, walking or carrying heavy bags do not cause fatigue, shortness of breath or palpitations.
2. Category NYHA II - Mild Limitations on Physical Activity.
Fatigue, shortness of breath & palpitations during more demanding physical activity.
3. Category NYHA III - Pronounced Limitations on Physical Activity.
Fatigue, shortness of breath & palpitations during less demanding physical activities such as cleaning floors, washing clothes, wiping furniture or hanging out clothes.
4. Category NYHA IV - Inability to Perform Any Physical Activity.
Fatigue, shortness of breath & palpitations when getting washed or even when resting.

Heart Failure & AIR TRAVEL
Air travel in particular may exacerbate heart failure due to factors relating to:
1. Reduction of air pressure at high altitudes & therefore the partial pressure of oxygen in the blood.
2. Reduced air humidity inside the plane with the consequent risk of dehydration.
3. The presence of any other diseases (respiratory or lung diseases or anemia or any other chronic diseases) which lead to oxygen deficiency.
4. Psychological & physical stress associated with traveling (queues at check-in counter & security checks, carrying heavy or big luggage, fear & anxiety about flying).
Nevertheless, air travel is not totally contraindicated for patients with heart failure, but it is important that they follow some advice.

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