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Thursday, February 13, 2020

Overcome my Fear

It's been long time since I posted a writings in this blog.
In this close time, I will visiting West Europe (such as France, Germany, Italy, etc).
I had been traveled to many countries (Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, Australia) even live overseas for education purpose (Singapore 2008 & Geelong - Australia 2014-2015).
However, in these few newer years, I had been experienced frightening events.

Okay, I share them & told the stories:

I visited Bali from 12 July 2019 until 19 July 2019.
However on 16 July 2019, an earthquake occurred in 6.0 Magnitude. I was panic & horrified, that I ran from the 4 storey hotel to ground floor in just 30 seconds. Then I decided to went back to Jakarta on the next day, I reschedule the airline ticket (it cost me US$ 70 or IDR 1 million).

I visited Japan from 13 September 2019 until 23 September 2019.
When I went back to Jakarta with my flight, just 3 hours after my flight took off, a typhoon struck Tokyo. My friend who still decide to stay in Tokyo unable to go outside the hotel for few days, several flight postponed.
It had been warned few days earlier in local news television network in Japan & I was really anxious.

I planned to visit West Europe, transit through Dubai, UAE in these few days
This time I used organized tour services, which I purchased the tour package before 2 events occurred in civilian world.
They are Ukrainian commercial airplane shootdown in Iran (I noticed the news on 12 January) & Novel Coronavirus outbreak in People's Republic of China which spread to many nations.
I was really worried & anxious about my journey.
I always monitoring flightradar24 Android application about my ongoing flight path (because my flight will fly over Iraq & Turkey), also website & other local news website about the virus outbreak.

I really have flight phobias (despite I loved traveling), I have one acquaintances (who helped me to applied university in Australia in November 2014) who lost his brother in airplane accident (Surabaya-Singapore route) in December 2014, coincide that my old school friend in Malang - East Java also have friend in same school struck by the same disaster. I never met the victims, however (speechless).

I really want to enjoy the journey & vacation in West Europe.
Please pray for me so I always protected by God.
When I visited worship place in Wednesday 12 February 2020, they gave me Bible verses
Isaiah 46:10
God (Jehovah) make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. God say, 'My purpose will stand and I will do all that I please.'
So I don't need to afraid about them. I just surrender to Jehovah & trust Jesus Christ as my savior.
My journey will be safe (always). Thank You Jesus! ありがとうございましたイエス!

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