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Saturday, February 29, 2020

What Should We Do In Current Situation

1. At best, stay at home.
2. Avoid crowded places.
3. Consume enough vitamins.
4. Stock up & provide enough food & drinking water stock for at least 1 month. (Also medicine)
5. Monitor current situation on news (trusted one, not the hoax) & official health ministry or government website.
6. Check your temperature frequently (twice a day).
7. Expect unlikely event (we didn't hope for that, however we must prepare for the worst that may happen).
8. Pray according to your belief (Calm & relax).
9. Keep your stamina, don't easily get tired.
10. Reduce your anxiety (Don't trust gossip or hoax).
11. Limit & reduce traveling to other cities or overseas (even required so for work or study).
12. Washing hand regularly with soap. Bring with you hand sanitizer everywhere.
13. Remember, my doctor said the risk level is low for young people, so don't need to overreact. But keep vigilant & take caution as the virus may transmitted without symptom to vulnerable person.
14. When go outside home, please wear face mask.
15. Work, study & attend religious meetings by online. Unless you really need to go out for urgent work which affecting your financial situation or need to buy groceries.
16. Practice Physical & Social Distancing.
The mathematical estimation graphs of COVID-19 (which I watched in Youtube) spread has been grown to it's peak until the daily fatalities reached more than daily influenza fatalities. At this time, many people are stressful & afraid. The only solution is to stay at home, avoid meet others. If you really need to go out, please take very careful movement & immediately return to home.
More advice:
For individual who suffer an anxiety disorders, you may be able to contact your personal clinician. Some countries already offer free anonymous online consultation, please consider to use the privilege to calm & relax yourself.

Emergency Preparedness:
Provide with you bunch of emergency supplies such as drinking water that enough for 4 days and more, non-perishable food for 3 days, clothings such as inner & outer clothings, toiletries such as soap, shampoo, tootbrush, toothpaste, etc, hygienic products, utensils, face mask, tissue or wipe, hand sanitizer, emergency lamp, whistle, medicine, medical kit for first aid, your mobile phone, power bank recharge with cable data, battery, compass, small knife or cutter, lighter, communicable devices, radio, banknotes currency, important documents, passport & identity cards, medical notes, emergency contact numbers, and another important food or things according to you & your needs.
Seek advice from your local community or government or health agencies websites for emergency preparedness.
You may put them in your backpack & bag.

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